Swiss Sport Integrity strongly challenged in first year

Public Relations

In its first year as Swiss Sport Integrity, the newly created reporting and investigation service received a consistently high number of reports. This demonstrates the need for an independent point of contact in the event of possible ethical violations or abuses in Swiss sport. In its anti-doping work, the foundation was able to achieve new record figures in the past financial year.

Numerous reports and complex procedures for the new reporting service

During its first year of operation, the newly created national and independent Ethics Violation Reporting and Investigation Service in Swiss Sport received 264 reports. The high number of reports received, and the active use of this reporting facility underline the need for an independent reporting body. The first year also brought the discovery that legitimate processing of these reports, and the underlying procedures is a very complex and time-intensive process. 127 of the reports received were still being processed at the end of the year; 137 could be closed. In four cases precautionary measures were implemented, in 42 cases an investigation process was initiated. Three investigation reports had been submitted to the Disciplinary Chamber of Swiss Sport (DC), which made one judgement by the end of the year. In terms of abuses within sports organizations, 2 cases were reported to Swiss Olympics.

Another record high in doping controls

The number of doping controls was again increased in 2022 compared to the previous year. With 2,329 doping controls carried out in the own control program, a new record value was achieved. 1,521 controls took place out-of-competition and 808 in-competition. The number of seizures of prohibited substances was also higher than ever before. Compared to the previous year, this number increased by 33%, which corresponds to 1,115 seizures by law enforcement authorities. In 13 cases, which was more than ever before, the individuals importing the items were subjected to private legal anti-doping regulations and their attempted importing activities resulted in disciplinary repercussions.

12 anti-doping rule violations

In 2022, Swiss Sport Integrity made use of the option to issue a ruling within the results management process in three instances. In one case, Swiss Sport Integrity entered into an agreement to terminate proceedings with the athlete and the World Anti-Doping Agency. Last year, the Disciplinary Chamber issued eight decisions on anti-doping rule violations. This resulted in seven sanctions of between nine and 48 months suspension.

Doping prevention with new record figures

Thanks to the additional planned resources and measures implemented as part of the 2021–2024 strategy, new records were set in the field of prevention. Overall, some 5,000 individuals in competitive sports were reached through 196 education sessions and workshops and sensitized to anti-doping topics. A total of 4,643 "Clean Winner" certificates were issued to Swiss athletes for completing the e-learning course (+81%). As an important tool for checking the prohibited status of medication, the popular Medi-Check app was used for over 166,000 queries.